Kimada Nawe Chords
Clarence Wijewardana
Last Played 15/02/2025 16:10
Play Count 14865 Contributor: Dinesh Wajirage
Play Count 14865 Contributor: Dinesh Wajirage
View +60 more Clarence Wijewardana Chords
Chord Diagrams for 'Kimada Nawe' song:
[Intro] --------------------------- | F | F | C | C | | C | C | F | F | | F | F | C | C | | C | C | F | F | [Chorus] ----------------------------- F C Kimada naa....we ai naa....we tharaha vee C7 F Kawuda kee....we boru kee.we mage daya Bb Gm Per ai ada wage............ F C F Kimada naa....we ai naa....we ada oya [Verse 1] ----------------------------- F C C7 F Semadama bala sitiya mage kawluwa lagata wela // C Kawada....wath ne me [Verse 2] ----------------------------- F C C7 F Mage palpatha ada palui nihadai andurai aththe // C Kawada....wath na me
60 More Songs by Clarence Wijewardana:
Kimada Nawe Lyrics:

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