Neela KanduGate Chords
Gayan Perera
Last Played 25/03/2025 17:10
Play Count 5274 Contributor: Dinesh Wajirage
Play Count 5274 Contributor: Dinesh Wajirage
View +2 more Gayan Perera Chords
Chord Diagrams for 'Neela KanduGate' song:
[Chorus] ---------------- C Neela kandu gate gena nidahase, G Mathin math una, kuludul aadare C Thurunu mal wiye , suwanda mal pipi G Lowata dei suwe, lassana jeewithe Am Em Nodutuwa pem ganga Am Em Neth iure hanga F G C Maa sitha kalabanawa Am Em greesmayeth suwa kenda Am Em Wasanthayath karapinla F F# G C Sisila gena enawa, enawa.... [Verse 1] ------------------ Gm Rantharu dile, oya as wage C F Ranka kanda mage, piwithuru aadare Gm Jeewana mage, pana nala hade C F Sitha nalawanawa pem rasa aadare Em Am G Dm/G7 C Pem hengum mawana, Mal sina denawa [Verse 2] ------------------- Gm Mini muthu age, netha oba wage C F Pem kanda mage, randora aadare Gm Chandana wage, suwadata obe C F Man math wanawa sondurui jeewithe Em Am G Dm/G7 C Pem hengum mawana, Mal sina denawa
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Neela KanduGate Lyrics:

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