Dumwetiye Chords
Play Count 105 Contributor: Dinesh Wajirage
View +13 more Meriance Chords
[Intro / ]
Bm ........
Bm A
Dumwetiye, dumwetiye.....
Dethola rendi dumwetiye
Em F#m
Santhose santhape
Dethola rendi dumwetiye
Em F#m
Santhose santhape
D A Bm
Oba nowedo langa sitiye dumwetiye....
[Verse 1]
Bm A
Hada kalambi athi mohothe
Em D
Oba dethole randawanawa //
D A F#m Bm
E mohothe oba asure sitha maage senasenawa
[Verse 2]
Bm A
Ada mithuro heta hathuro
Em D
Dukdenawa erehi wela
D A F#m Bm
E waage mathu dawase Oba eido sathuru wela
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Dumwetiye Lyrics:

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